Lupus And Henna What Is A Good Diet Regimen For A Lupus Patient To Follow? What Foods Should Be Avoided?

What is a good diet regimen for a lupus patient to follow? What foods should be avoided? - lupus and henna

I wonder what foods to stay away from foods and what can help people with autoimmune diseases. What a good diet regime for this diagnosis? There are foods that are bad or should be completely avoided in patients with lupus?


Linda R said...

Lupus patients should avoid alfalfa sprouts. They stimulate the immune system, the opposite of what we need.

In addition, here are some basic rules that work for me.

1. Eat a lot, and I think that fruits and vegetables,
2. Reduce or eliminate animal fats. We have a high rate of early atherosclerosis. A heart-healthy diet is essential.
3. Limit processed foods
4. Eat plenty of fiber (it reached # 1)
5. Moderate Get regular exercise improves the function of the immune system easily, lubricates joints and lift mood. Ask your watery, what is good for you.
6. Do not take echinacea or goldenseal. Also stimulate the immune system.
7. In some patients with lupus find wheat gluten that has inflammatory, but many of us have no problem with him.
8. If you do not pronounce the ingredients, do not take into the mouth.
9. Fish oil has anti-inflammatory. You can go eat cold water fish such as salmon. A small amount of nuts is also good.
10. Make sure you have enough calcium. The drugs make us vulnerableto osteoporosis. Exercise helps this too.

Linda R said...

Lupus patients should avoid alfalfa sprouts. They stimulate the immune system, the opposite of what we need.

In addition, here are some basic rules that work for me.

1. Eat a lot, and I think that fruits and vegetables,
2. Reduce or eliminate animal fats. We have a high rate of early atherosclerosis. A heart-healthy diet is essential.
3. Limit processed foods
4. Eat plenty of fiber (it reached # 1)
5. Moderate Get regular exercise improves the function of the immune system easily, lubricates joints and lift mood. Ask your watery, what is good for you.
6. Do not take echinacea or goldenseal. Also stimulate the immune system.
7. In some patients with lupus find wheat gluten that has inflammatory, but many of us have no problem with him.
8. If you do not pronounce the ingredients, do not take into the mouth.
9. Fish oil has anti-inflammatory. You can go eat cold water fish such as salmon. A small amount of nuts is also good.
10. Make sure you have enough calcium. The drugs make us vulnerableto osteoporosis. Exercise helps this too.

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