Anxiety And Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms How Do You Deal With The Anxiety Of A New Pregnancy When You Have Lost One Before?

How do you deal with the anxiety of a new pregnancy when you have lost one before? - anxiety and pregnancy more condition_symptoms


I literally just discovered that I was pregnant, found 3 weeks + 6 days! I am very happy because we have been trying for over 6 months, and I would like that very much. Last month I got pregnant again and had a very early miscarriage at 4.5 weeks. I know it is very common, and my chances should be good enough, does not mean this to happen again, but I'm afraid. Like others in fear of early pregnancy after a previous loss? Thank you for your help.


ghstar20... said...

aww i love to know exactly how you feel now declined in 29 weeks with my youngest son, my daughter at 24 weeks last year and a miscarriage during this crisis pregnany I give all the anxiety and become nervous and praying that nothing goes wrong . Keep a positive mind because your mind is really the number 1, which can destroy them emotionally in the moment, relax, control and think positive!

melaine0... said...

Hello. Before I had my daughter in the long run, I had lost 2 children (one died before 27 weeks and an abortion at 9 weeks). When they think about my daughter, who were almost too afraid to become pregnant. He ran in fear do not get to see how we lost 2 babies before our hopes, and would not be crushed if we lost (had tried those) for 4 years. I prayed and I said to my husband about my feelings. It was difficult, and to be honest, it is that you overcome the fear that was about 7 months pregnant. Honey only pray, because everything is in God's hands. I hope that everything goes well, and soon a new baby to love: D Good luck and God bless

bitzenpi... said...

congrats hun!
sucks that u soooo discovered early one way or the kick is less likely to fail, but I think the only way to deal with fear is to stay positive and remember that each egg is released, is different - UR wasn 't last egg is from the beginning so early, or canceled viable, but the chances of completion or is currently 95% (PPL statistics show that a baby) they have had a miscarriage, and keep, in that spirit and really hope everything works out 4 u!

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